MBA Career Coaching When Change is the New Constant

MBA Career Coaching When Change is the New Constant

If there is one thing that is certain in 2018, it's that CHANGE will be CONSTANT. In fact, the pace of change and disruption in business is only likely to increase in the months and years ahead! As career coaches, it is important that we teach our MBA students the skills they need to manage change in the job market and throughout their careers in business. To start 2018, it’s a good time to learn how to effectively coach our clients to overcome their fear of change and to embrace change as progress they will love.

You will learn

  • How to help MBAs create CLARITY about their career vision using 6 strategic questions
  • How to help MBAs reframe their FEAR STORIES about change so they can navigate options effectively
  • How to use The PIVOT PROCESS to create a career plan
  • How to create and utilize RITUALS to become RESILIENT when facing the need to change
  • How to recognize and fully utilize Pivot OPPORTUNITIES in 2018